Monday, 1 May 2017

Colour book - 2nd version

Having looked back at the previous book i produced, i wasn't happy with the overall piece. The design seems to cluttered looking back, and the assembly of the book was unconsidered. 

I decided to create a new book, with a more consistent layout, and a cleaner look; whilst still showing qualities of my style of design.

I began by creating a grid which is used throughout the whole book, however; the text and information on each page will follow the grid however the imagery which i produce such as the illustrations will break the grid. 

I've chosen to both accept and reject the grid as a way to show how i'm able to work with both as a designer, with the illustrations made up of colours taken from each page breaking out from the grid to show elements of my work which could be considered messy or lacking structure, where as the text within the book follows more of a structure as it needs to be understood, and as a publication it feels as if their should be some form of consistency and structure; whilst my design style still coming through. 

Above are a few of the pages from the new book, the information is relevantly the same as the previous book, rather it's the overall style which has developed, and i believe improved. 
I've never used a grid before for a piece of design rather just for design boards however i feel like using one in future works, where appropriate will be beneficial as i feel there is a sense of consistency within the pieces, and with the addition of my illustrations and non conforming grid positioning; it still stays visually interesting and engaging for the viewer. 

I got inspiration for the illustrations from the patters found on bus seats, and color choices were made using colours from the imagery also on the page, or colours which have relevance to the text on the page. 

Above are some of the illustrations which are featured throughout the book, i wanted to ensure their was space within the illustrations for colour to be used, as after all this book is all about colour. In the last book their was a lot of repeat colour use to ensure the book was visually cohesive, however this just didn't work, and so i decided to treat each page as an individual whilst still having qualities such as a grid and a consistent background colour, each page now looks considered.
It's been said that colour is the most influential, followed by shapes, for this reason i've tried to make the shapes visualy interesting and unusual, and also use a range of colours to engage the viewer. 

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