Tuesday, 16 April 2019

The Prawn Shop Sticker Pack

As a way to make customers orders more personal, i've decided to create a stickers that can be placed within each parcel. The stickers will allow the brand to be seen as caring for the customers, making the buying and unpacking experience as enjoyable and immersive as possible. In addition to this, the stickers will act as a way to promote the brand, with the idea of people sticking them on to their laptops/phones etc.

The design style of the stickers will follow that of the updated branding, with the same colour pallet and line quality being used throughout. I'll look through the archive of prawn shop pieces to see what imagery people respond well to, ensuring that each piece has the brand name on it, so that it can be easily recognisable to people who may view the sticker.
I also think it will be interesting to play around with the fruit sticker concept which inspired the logo in the first place, each sticker could play on the fruit/food concept possibly.

I began to think about the shape of the stickers, i've printed stickers before which didn't have a boarder/were within a clean cut shape and so they were lasercut. Although this means that the sticker can have a unique shape reflective of the design, a white boarder is left behind, due to the rebrand of the prawn shop  having a boarder around the sticker will not be cohesive to the rest of the design.

A streetwear brand, extravitamens, release sticker packs to sell/include with customer orders (as seen above), theres are within clean shapes such as squares and rectangles. By approaching the sticker designs this way it not only means the the stickers will be more clean (as their will be no need for them to be laser cut, rather they can be cut using a guillotine) but it also means that they are more reflective and cohesive to the brand.

Taking inspiration from the shape and clean-cut nature of the extravitamins stickers i have created the designs on the left.
I've tried to capture imagery thats most frequently used throughout the brand such as the nude female forms, vibrant scenes and typography.
Using a consistent colour pallet throughout the branding has been really useful in terms of creating a body of work that is visually cohesive, and represnets a brand that is serious and passionate about it's message and it's future.

From designing these stickers to create a more immersive experience for my customers i've developed the idea of producing a new set of stickers for each collection the brand releases, this will be an effective way of showing my audience that that thought is going in to each aspect of the brand, not just the clothes.

The Prawn Shops audience of 18-25 year old predominantly females i believe will really respond to these stickers, due to the vibrant bold nature and how they communicate the visual style of prawn shop.

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