Friday, 28 October 2016

Studio Brief 01 - logotype

The objective of this brief was to "Produce a series of logotypes for 
brand based on your given word. Using only type, experiment 
with scale, stroke, spacing, contrast and alignment to interpret 
your company."
I was given the word 'Appositional'. After some research i 
discovered multiple meanings and produced some initial ideas
of my own, around the word and what type of brand it could 

I decided to design the logotype for the Modern, Playful and Fun dating app 'Appositional' (see above for idea development) as one definition for the word was the 'addition of one thing to another' which made me think of two people being brought together in a romantic sense. 

I originally planned to design the logo type for a younger audience of 20+, however after a group it was brought to my attention that due to Appositional being quite a long word i decided that the apps target audience is both male and females over the age of 30, as if i was going to create a dating app for a younger audience then a shorter, more catchy name would be more appropriate.  

As a starting point for the logotype design, i looked at the 5 typefaces available to experiment with, to see which one i believed would communicate the modern, playful and fun nature of Appositional. 

After looking at the typefaces and the individual qualities they all have, i decided to go with Futura. I believe the 'PT Book' variation of Futura designed in 1927 by Paul Renner is a good starting point for Appositionals logo type as it has a modern and approachable tone to it.

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