Monday, 6 May 2019

Typographic Poster Evaluation

Overall this brief has been very insightful as it’s the first time I’ve really experimented with typography, manipulating an existing type in order to create a visually new piece of work. Basing this project on passages from Promiscuities was definitely a really good way of maintaining focus in relation to the progression of the design, looking back over passages to find subtle visual links that could be worked in to the design.
The colour pallet and print stock really help to both represent modern society, and the past through the glossy, vibrant colours which is both reminiscent of today, and over the late 60’s period.
In hindsight I do feel that creating a full typography alphabet would have been more useful as it would of provided the opportunity for more typographic experiments and deliverables, however the final piece I believe really meets the criteria of communicating an effective message about todays society, inspired by the past.
I am definitely now more confident in terms of experimenting with typography in the future, it was a very good experience to spend time on small details of a much larger piece, I also believe that my knowledge of composition and balance has definitely been heightened by this experience.

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