Sunday, 19 February 2017

Typographic treatment

Whilst choosing a typeface for the Adrian Mole cover, it seemed appropriate to look at a previous post which listed adjectives associated with the book. With these in mind I've decided that the Mole covers require a typeface which is naive yet witty, the naivety of the text may come through the medium the type is written in, giving it new characteristics where as using quite a traditional text i believe will communicate the wittiness of the text and also the decade in which it was written, whilst still appealing to a contemporary audience.

I believe is serif typeface is most appropriate as the traditionalism which the type style communicates relates to the time period the book is set. 
The second variation of Cambria Regular will, i believe, be the most successful type face over Sitka Text due to the level of height the characters have, i believe this provides more opportunities to work with the composition of each letter.
Presenting 'THE SECRET DIARY OF' in capitalized type i belive seperates the title and makes it more visually interesting to read.

Due to the diary style of the book i also think i will use some hand drawn type within the cover to relate to the adolescent period of life Adrian is at, and the diary he is supposedly writing in to.

Above i have designed 3 appropriate typographic treatments for the book cover. These templates are purely typographical and compositional, due to the fact that i am going to take the Courier type and draw it out by hand to give it a childlike naive quality, the composition, rather the spacing of the typography will differ to the templates however the overall layout will take influence from these. 

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