Sunday, 19 March 2017

Idea development - Philip Mantle

I recently found an article from 2013 discussing UFO sightings in Yorkshire with a quote from a man called Philip Mantle who attended the first YUFOS (Yorkshire UFO Society) meeting in 1979. 
I contacted Mantle asking him questions about the meeting and his time in the society, he provided me with a vast amount of information regarding the society and UFO sightings across Yorkshire (email below), in addition to this Mantle provided me with old film photographs from the 80s capturing moments from inside society meetings and group expeditions (see below). 

Having read and seen Philips participation in the group and how much of his life he has dedicated to the YUFOS, i believe it would be best to focus my A3 celebratory print on the YUFOS but in a more respectful way. Before hand i was designing rather cliche jackets and signs which almost made a joke of the society and their work, however having received photographs and articles around the subject i believe i need to tackle the subject manor in a more respectful, accurate and celebratory way for the truth.  

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