During this module I've not only gained a further understanding of typography as a whole, but also a further understanding in to the varying personalities of fonts and how their uses all differ. This has definitely informed me to make more informed decisions in my design future when selecting a typeface to use, ensuring that the personality of the type reflects the type of message my piece of design is trying to communicate.
My development and new found understanding of typographical terms will make it easier in the future when i'm manipulating/ explaining how i would alter type as i'll be able to use the correct terminology to explain my design intentions.
One of the first tasks set was to find and produce letter forms out of our surroundings, this informed the idea for my typeface design, as i saw a letter form within some tangled wires. During this Module i created/manipulated type using Adobe Illustrator, at first i was hesitant as I've never used this software before, but through processes of trail and error I've created work on illustrator which I believe meet the individual aims of each brief, and have developed skills along the way which i will develop throughout future modules and apply to future design work.
Further to this, I've realized the importance of sketching out ideas as they come in to my head, instead of worrying about the layout/ how the sketch looks on the page. Form doing this, the breath of my ideas has expanded ensuring that I've explored many possible designs concepts before moving forward with one.
Looking back on this module i think i would of benefited from doing more in depth research, especially for brief 01, by doing so i think my design outcome would of been more informed. As far as time management goes, i feel like i kept on top of the brief well, however i need to have a more direct focus and choose what concept i want to develop further, sooner therefor leaving more time for in depth research and design experimentation.
As i previously mentioned, i realized the benefits of sketching out a range of ideas before moving on to digital development, unfortunately i didn't sketch much during the first brief, i think my outcome could of been taken further had i explored a range of hand drawn variations before hand.
Having group crits during the development of my work really helped to gain other ideas and feedback on my work. A lot of my design decisions were informed by the opinions of the people around me. Interim crits were the most useful as i was able to present my work and ask questions about any queries i had with my work, for example whether the confusing personality was being communicated strong enough through my type design.
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