Tuesday, 20 March 2018

The Prawn Shop logo - one hour warm up brief (sb1)

My clothing brand The Prawn Shop is yet to have a logo, the clothing mainly focuses around issues of body diversity in a fun and playful way, targeted towards women aged 18-25.
I want to create a logo which is simple enough that it can be incorporated on to the clothing designs and adjusted visually where needs be, and one which represents the brands message.
I have given my self an hour to create this logo as a warm up brief to see how quickly it would take me to produce one i'm happy with.

 I began by sketching different possible logo shapes using imagery that can be found on most of the clothing designs as i feel this will allow the brand to be easily recognisable and make sense when applied to the clothing.

I began to struggle with the type placement as i wanted it to be incorporated with a line illustration, however finding the best way to do this began to be challenging.
Alternatively i could of used digital typography, however all of the clothing designs are hand drawn and so it felt that for brand cohesion a
hand drawn logo would be the most appropriate.                                     

I began to experiment with negative space and using 'The Prawn Shop' to replace the use of line.
The torso style i felt although appropriate, was too busy, i feel that using a more simple line would be more appropriate.

I then incorporated a love heart shape in to the design
The hour was over and the above design is what was produced, i feel i needed more time to complete the brief as the intial idea stage took alot longer than expected, however i feel that it will be useful for later briefs as i now have a better idea of how long it would take me. 

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