Monday, 29 October 2018

Durex Condom Research

Below shows research in to Durex and the condoms they make, this feels appropriate as the findings could work in to the campaign design. I looked in to the characteristics of the most popular Durex condoms, the findings show the variety that the brand offers and how they can enhance sexual experience which is something people have the preconception of the opposite. I also looked in to the packaging of the condoms to see what colours and imagery they use.

Durex 'Thin Feel'-

  • natural feel 
  • feel nothing 
  • packaging is red and features a feather 
Durex 'Excite Me'- 
  • dotted for extra stimulation 
  • a focus on 'excitement' 
  • packaging is orange with dots 
Durex 'Extended Pleasure' 
  • special lubricant that delays climax 
  • ribbed and dotted 
  • packaging is grey with an infinity symbol 
Durex 'Taste Me' Apple, Strawberry, Banana etc
  • flavoured condom 
  • designed for oral sex 
  • condom coloured to the complementary flavour
  • the packaging is the colour of what every flavour the condom is  
From the research in the the most popular Durex variations and looking at what the brief is asking me to do i had the idea of my campaign featuring 4 posters with each one depicting a narrative which explores everyday situations with condoms present eg in peoples luggage, i think this concept is appropriate as the brief is aiming to make condoms a normal everyday thing to carry about, making them part of young peoples everyday routine. 
I think it would be interesting to utilise elements of the 4 condoms researched above within the designs, with each narrative linking to one of the 4 most popular Durex varieties, for example basing the colour pallet on the colour of the condom box. As the brief states that the campaign should be visually based, i think that the text on each poster should be minimal, apart from small elements in the background/on items when appropriate. 
I also think that it is essential to show different sexual orientations within the campaign, to communicate the fact that Durex doesn't judge, and wants people to have the sex that they want. 

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